Sunday, February 23, 2014

How Grandma Met Grandpa

I met Budd after I graduated form High School. What I actually did was, well my two Layton friends were going up to Logan to go to school. We called it the AC then. So I decided I would go with them. I didn't know that dad wouldn't let me go to college, well didn't have the money for me to go to college. I thought that he would see that I got into college. I worked all that summer and had earned enough money that it would pay for my keep up there. I worked in the cannery and saved my money. So I went with these two girls up to get us our apartment and I told dad I was going up to get my apartment to go to college. He said he had talked it over with Aunt Luella, my stepmother, and they decided it was not possible to let both Martha and I go to college at the same time. See, we were just the same age and Martha was going to go up to the University of Utah. Dad said he was sorry, that he just couldn't give me the money, but I could go if I could manage some other way. So I had to give up that and so I went to the LDS Business College because they would let me go without paying until I got far enough a long and then they would send me out to work. They would get my pay. Companies would call the college and if anyone was ill or gone, they would say they needed a girl for so long. So the girls that couldn't pay would go work at these temporary jobs. That was really a blessing for me because it was hard to get jobs in those days. When I got through with my schooling, when I was far enough a long that I could leave, why I had enough experience that I got a job at the first place I went to. It's because I had experience. So that was perfect for me. I worked for the Utah Copper Company and they were combined with another company and that is who I went to work for.

Budd worked nights, I hadn't met him when I started working, but I hadn't worked very long when I met him. He came up to the school where I was, he had been on a mission then, and he had just gotten home. He didn't go on a mission at nineteen. He was working and kept putting it off. He was twenty four when we got married and we got married the year that I met him. He hadn't been home form his mission very long. I can't remember the year that he came home form his mission but I think that it must have been that same year that we were married. We'd see each other every night. He'd come up after I got through work, but we didn't always go out sporting either because we couldn't afford it. We'd just talk and sit out on the porch and stuff. He was home from his mission and living with his mother. Anyway, I should tell you how  met him. So I started business school and Martha started college and she lasted there one week. One week that was all. They were having a test right at the beginning of the first week of school and she folded right up and left. She wasn't going to take a test if she didn't want to. I got along in business school ok and I got along with the kids that I met down there. I met a couple boys there that I really had fun with and then Martha started coming to he business school.

It's funny that I got a ride with a man that was working at the Capitol to go in there. He was charging me so much a month to go, to bring me in, and he would let me off at the school. I didn't even remember how Martha got into school, I don't remember that, but she never went in with me. Martha met Budd in short class. Now Uncle Gordon, Budd's brother-in-law, got Budd a job at the UP as a boy that would take things from one office to another. An errand boy, he had to use a bicycle to go from one building to another and such. So Uncle Gordon told him that if he would go to school and learn short hand there was another job that was going to open up and maybe they would hire Budd. So Budd came down to the business school to take short  hand.

I didn't meet him because I wasn't in that class and I was almost through and as soon as I was through with school, my Aunt in California said I could come down and stay with them. She knew how unhappy I was. And she said that she had talked to her brother who was a manager of the Bank of America down there, and he said that he could use me if I came down. So I was going to go down there as soon as I got finished with schooling. Anyway I took a week off of school to hep Aunt Luella house clean our house. I had told Aunt Luella that I was going to move to California and I would help her clean before I went if she wanted me to. She said I couldn't do it and go to school so I had to take a leave of absence from school.

Oh, I've got to go back further. I was practicing for a program, singing in the auditorium down there one day. Budd came in to where we were practicing and I was sitting by a girl that he knew and he came over and sat on her lap and acted like a nut. She pinched him and said, "get off me Pudge, get off of me." He told her that he thought she was beautiful and that he wanted to stay there. He was just acting out, he was a nut! When he left I said, "who in the world was that?" She said, "oh, that's Pudge Tingey." Well the thing of it was, and I learned this after I was married to him from Aunt Lorretta. She told me that he came up to her house that day and said, "I've found her, I've founder, I've found her!" And Aunt Lorretta said, "Who have you found?"Budd told her, "the girl that I'm going to marry!" So she asked him what her name was and he told her that he didn't know her name, but he was going to find out. So he walked in to the auditorium and I must have appealed to him in some way. So he came and made a fool of himself I don't know how he found out, I really don't know because he would never talk about it, but he found out who I was. He was in the same class with Martha and Martha said when he found out she was from Kaysville he had asked her if she knew me. Or maybe he asked June, the girl from Bountiful that I had been sitting by at the practice. I don't know, but weeks later he got together with Martha and they planned a picnic up Mueller Park. He told her to invite Grayce and anyone else she could think of and he would invite a bunch of guys and his cousin that had just come home from a mission who had a brand new car. He told her he'd have his cousin bring his car and go. Budd had an old clunker that he was driving. Anyway, Martha got a whole bunch of kids together, from the school, for this picnic. Budd wrote me a note to invite me, it's in a box downstairs somewhere. I've still got that note. It was written on the side of a cardboard grocery box. It was written in Hill Billy language too. It said we're all gon' to go up to the park, I can't even remember all the wording on it. At the end of it he said that I was invited to come and to be sure to not bring a swimming suit because we're going swimming. I told Martha that he must be an idiot and she said that he told her that I had to come, but she told me she was going to be the one in his car and she said don't you dare get with him. I told her that I didn't even know him and that he sounded like an idiot. I went on that party. We were to meet down at the LDS Business School, they and a huge lot, it's where the Relief Society building is now. The whole school was set way back and there was a huge lawn, it was just beautiful. When we got there he just came over and took me me by the shoulders, you know behind me, and just pushed me right in to his car. I tell you, I had a lot of fun that night, I really did, he was really cute. I changed my attitude about him anyway. When I got home Martha was so mad at me she wouldn't speak to me. But we had a good time, she had a good time. His cousin that had the new car is the guy that she a married, Ralph.

We went into Salt Lake to a fair that was going at that time after the picnic. Then after we had gotten closer and had been thinking about getting married, Budds best friend, Bruner, asked how did this come about so fast? He thought we were getting married pretty quickly. And Budd said, "Well, the first night I was with her her skirt was over her head most of the night and I felt like I had to marry her." Well, we had got in that thing that goes up and your upside down for a while and then it comes back down. And of course girls didn't wear long pants in those days, so I was holding my skirt down all night trying to be modest. He embarrassed me to death! Michael reminds me of Budd so much, I can't tell ya. These things that come out of his mouth. So that's it. Martha married his cousin and she hasn't had a very happy day since, it's really too bad. I don't know how they got married, because he cancelled their marriage date twice and on the third time he finally did it. Budd was overseas then, in the war.

Grandpas Mission to Norway

Grandpa was in Norway when the German army was right at the doorstep of Norway. He was in the upper part of Norway, away from the mission home, he and his companion were. The mission President called or wrote to them, I don't know which they did in those days, and told them that all of the missionaries were to leave Norway. He, the mission President, was leaving with the last group of missionaries on a ship and Budd and his mission companion would be the only missionaries left in Norway. They were told there would be another boat for them, but it wouldn't be there very long. They only had a couple days to get to the ship and neither one of them had any money to get out of there. Budd had said that it was a miracle. He had had an appendicitis attack and he had written home for money so he could have it taken car e of over there. But, no money came from home so the mission helped him pay for it. So, the day they were to leave on the train to get to the ship, he received a letter from his sister Ella. She had sent $35 and told him that she hoped the money would help with his operation and she was sorry that no one in the family had any money to send to help with the operation. Budd had told Grandma that the $35 was exactly what they needed for both of them to get down to the boat and they had been afraid that they had missed the boat.

He had been over there nearly two years. They used to send them for 2.5 years, because they gave them six months to learn the language. They had to learn the language in their mission because they were only in the mission home for two weeks. Everyone only went to the mission home for two weeks and then they learned the language where they were sent. So, they brought him back and sent him to Ohio to finish his mission. He didn't get to go home at all. You never did hear him talk about Ohio, it was always Norway. I didn't even know he served in Ohio, till he had been married a long time and he told me the whole story. He said they were glad to get out of Norway because of the stories they and been hearing about the German soldiers moving through Europe.